About Us

MegaOhm Electronics Industries LLC

MegaOhm Electronics Industries LLC is recognized as both the leader and continuous innovator in the Middle service distribution of electronic components and automation products worldwide. Founded in 2021, MegaOhm Electronics Industries LLC was a pioneer in the mail-order catalog business and a key resource for design engineers. Today, MegaOhm offers the world’s largest selection of electronic components in stock and available for immediate shipment. Beyond the products that drive technology innovation, MegaOhm also supports design engineers and procurement professionals with a wealth of digital solutions and tools to make their jobs more efficient. From prototype to production, we are here to fuel innovation all over the world.

MegaOhm Electronics Industries LLC.
Jordan, Amman - Almoqableen
Alsakhra Almosharfa St.,
Amman 11592, Jordan