International Pricing & Payment Options: All non-US currency amounts displayed are estimates provided for general information purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any foreign currency information. The final amount shown in your cart is in US dollars. The estimated product price does not include customs, duties and/or taxes. Your credit card company may charge you a conversion fee. Any charges or refunds to your credit card will be issued in US dollars. Refund amounts may be more or less than the purchase price due to fluctuating exchange rates. PayPal Credit, Google Checkoutâ„¢ and mail-in rebates are not available for international purchases. International orders are charged as soon as you click “Place Order”.
Returns and Replacements: If you return a product to us, you will become the exporter from the destination country. That title and any risk of loss transfer to us upon our receipt of the merchandise (any purchased item and its accompanying free items). Shipping carriers will assist you in recovering your duties and taxes for a fee. Please contact shipping carriers directly to initiate this service.
Privacy: Your privacy is important to us, and we strive to exceed your expectations for secure data. Nevertheless, cross-border shipments are subject to inspection by customs authorities. We may also be called upon to provide certain order, shipment and product information to our international carriers. Carriers may communicate such information to customs authorities for the purpose of facilitating customs clearance and compliance with local laws.